2023 MQV Review Meeting

Festsaal (1. OG) (Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt)

Festsaal (1. OG)

Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

Welcome to the agenda of the 2023 MQV Review Meeting in Eichstätt. Here you can find the latest timetable as well as general information about the event.

Leading into the review meeting, we will host a public evening lecture on Monday, 25 September 2023 at 7pm. Please find all the details here.

    • 09:00 10:00
      Registration & poster setup 1h Foyer & Festsaal

      Foyer & Festsaal

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 10:00 10:05
      Welcome address 5m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
      Speaker: Rudolf Gross
    • 10:05 10:10
      Technical information 5m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
      Speaker: Andrea Lenz (Munich Quantum Valley)
    • 10:10 10:50
      Consortium presentation: K1 – SQQC (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: R. Gross

      Speakers: Michael Hartmann, Stefan Filipp
    • 10:50 11:30
      Consortium presentation: K3 – TAQC (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: C. Kutter

      Speaker: Immanuel Bloch
    • 11:30 11:50
      LTP presentation: QuMeCo – Quantum Measurement and Control for the enablement of quantum computing and quantum sensing (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: S. Filipp

      Speaker: Christopher Eichler
    • 11:50 12:10
      LTP presentation: Quantum circuits with spin-qubits and hybrid Josephson junctions (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: S. Filipp

      Speaker: Dominique Bougeard
    • 12:10 12:30
      LTP presentation: Free-electron states as ultrafast probes for qubit dynamics in solid-state platforms (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: S. Filipp

      Speaker: Sascha Schäfer
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch break 1h Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 13:30 14:10
      Consortium presentation: K6 – SHARE (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: I. Bloch

      Speakers: Christoph Kutter, Gerd Kilian, Rui Pereira
    • 14:10 14:50
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C1 – SC-QC system integration (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: I. Bloch
      Lead: K1; Others: K5, K6, K7, K8

      Speakers: Alexander Holleitner, Christian Jirauschek, Marc Tornow, Stefan Filipp, Thomas Tönes
    • 14:50 15:30
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C3 – Neutral-atom system integration (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: T. Wilk
      Lead: K3; Others: K5, K6, K7, K8

      Speakers: Andrea Alberti, Philipp Schulzen
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break 30m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 16:00 16:30
      Parallel session: Partner Network discussion 30m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: MQV Office (N. Goerke-Schwindt, S. Mehlhase)

    • 16:00 17:00
      Poster session 1 1h Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
    • 17:00 17:40
      Parallel session: Collaborative work on qubit chip fabrication and 3D integration 40m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: K1 / K6; Others: open

    • 17:00 17:40
      Parallel session: Defining the runtime backend / hardware interface (QDMI=Quantum Device Management Interface) 40m Thomas von Aquin (1. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Thomas von Aquin (1. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K5 (M. Ruefenacht, M. Schulz); Others: K1,K3,K6, other Ks welcome

    • 17:45 18:25
      Parallel session: Commercialization efforts and creation of spin-offs 40m Basilius (2. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Basilius (2. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K10 (C. Trummer); Others: all welcome

    • 17:45 18:25
      Parallel session: Working towards electronics demonstrators 40m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: K6; Others: K1, other Ks welcome

    • 18:30 18:45
      Concluding session: Day 1 15m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
    • 18:45 19:00
      Short walk to the restaurant 15m
    • 19:00 20:00
      Dinner 1h Gasthof Krone

      Gasthof Krone

      Domplatz 3, 85072 Eichstätt
    • 20:00 21:30
      Wrap-up: Day 1 1h 30m Gasthof Krone

      Gasthof Krone

      Domplatz 3, 85072 Eichstätt
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration & poster setup 30m Foyer & Festsaal

      Foyer & Festsaal

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 09:00 09:40
      Consortium Presentation: K8 – HAT (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: M. Knap

      Speakers: Jens Eisert, Manuel Rispler, Michael Hartmann, Nikolas Pomplun, Steffen Glaser
    • 09:40 10:20
      Consortium presentation: K5 – Q-DESSI including the Munich Quantum Software Stack (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: M. Knap

      Speakers: Laura Schulz, Martin Ruefenacht, Martin Schulz, Robert Wille
    • 10:20 11:00
      Consortium presentation: K4 – THEQUCO (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: J.M. Lorenz

      Speakers: Christian Deppe, Lode Pollet, Michael Knap, Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee break 30m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 11:30 11:50
      LTP presentation: Bench-QC – Anwendungs-getriebenes Benchmarking von Quantencomputern (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: F. Marquardt

      Speaker: Johannes Oberreuter
    • 11:50 12:10
      LTP presentation: NeQuS – Networked Quantum Systems (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: F. Marquardt

      Speaker: Johanthan Finley
    • 12:10 12:30
      LTP presentation: IQ-Sense – Integrated quantum sensors for imaging and tissue analysis (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: F. Marquardt

      Speaker: Vladimir Dyakonov
    • 12:30 13:00
      Collaboration picture 30m Residenzplatz


    • 13:00 13:40
      Lunch break 40m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 13:40 14:20
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C4 – Quantum algorithms (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: S. Glaser
      Lead: K4; Others: K7, K8

    • 14:20 15:00
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C5 – Platform characteristics: Connecting experimentalists with tool/compiler developers (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: R. Wille
      Lead: K5 (R. Wille); Others: K1, K3, K8 plus AQT

    • 15:00 15:40
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C6: Integration and control (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: S. Glaser
      Lead: K6; Others: K1, K3, K5, K7, K8

    • 15:40 16:10
      Coffee break 30m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 16:10 17:00
      Poster session 2 50m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
    • 17:00 17:40
      Parallel session: Benchmarking & certification of Q-gates 40m Thomas von Aquin (1. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Thomas von Aquin (1. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K8 (J.Eisert); Others: all incl. HW rep

    • 17:00 17:40
      Parallel session: QML algorithms on few qubits 40m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: K7 (P. Debus); Others: K4, K5, K8, ...

    • 17:00 17:40
      Parallel session: System architecture / demonstration 40m Basilius (2. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Basilius (2. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K3 / K6 (J. Zeiher & R. Koch)

    • 17:45 18:25
      Parallel session: Internal interfaces for compilers and tools to extract figures of merit 40m Thomas von Aquin (1. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Thomas von Aquin (1. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K5 (R. Wille, M. Schulz); Others: all compiler and system software developers from all Ks and partners

    • 18:30 18:45
      Concluding session: Day 2 15m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
    • 18:45 19:00
      Short walk to the restaurant 15m
    • 19:00 20:00
      Dinner 1h Gasthof Krone

      Gasthof Krone

      Domplatz 3, 85072 Eichstätt
    • 20:00 21:30
      Wrap-up: Day 2 1h 30m Gasthof Krone

      Gasthof Krone

      Domplatz 3, 85072 Eichstätt
    • 09:00 09:40
      Consortium presentation: K7 – QACI (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: J. v. Delft

      Speakers: Christian Mendl, Luigi Iapichino, Pascal Debus
    • 09:40 10:00
      LTP presentation: QuKomIn – Quantenkommunikationsinfrastruktur (15'+5') 20m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: J. v. Delft

      Speaker: Christoph Marquardt
    • 10:00 10:30
      Consortium presentation: K9 – QST-EB (25'+5') 30m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: M. Schulz

      Speakers: Jan von Delft, Tatjana Wilk
    • 10:30 11:00
      Consortium presentation: K10 – QTPE (25'+5') 30m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session chair: M. Schulz

      Speaker: Christopher Trummer
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee break 30m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 11:30 12:10
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C7 – Benchmarking of quantum hardware from application perspective / Scalable applications (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session Chair: M. Hartmann
      Lead: K7; Others: K1, K3, K4, K5, K6, K8 and LTP BenchQC

      Speakers: Jeanette Lorenz, Luigi Iapichino, Max Werninghaus
    • 12:10 12:50
      Cross-sectional topic presentations: C8 – Quantum Control and Co-design (30'+10') 40m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt

      Session Chair: J. M. Lorenz
      Lead: K8; Others: K1, K4, K5, K6, K7

      Speakers: Florian Marquardt, Max Werninghaus, Michael Hartmann, Steffen Glaser
    • 12:50 13:00
      Cross-sectional topics close-up discussion 10m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt
    • 13:00 13:50
      Lunch break 50m Foyer


      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

    • 13:50 14:30
      Parallel session: Infrastructure – needs and expectations towards the QTP 40m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: K10 (Christopher Trummer), all welcome

    • 13:50 14:30
      Parallel session: Working group C7 / scalable applications / algorithm benchmarking 40m Thomas von Aquin (1. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Thomas von Aquin (1. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K7 (J.M. Lorenz); Others: all Ks and LTP BenchQC

    • 14:30 15:10
      Parallel session: Classical machine learning as a tool for quantum computing 40m Thomas von Aquin (1. OG) (Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt)

      Thomas von Aquin (1. OG)

      Bischöfliches Seminar, Eichstätt

      Lead: K4/K8 (F. Marquardt); Others: everybody interested in applying ML tools for improving QC-HW – theory, experiment, engineering

    • 14:30 15:10
      Parallel session: Impact and mitigation of hardware imperfections in quantum computers 40m Hollbeinsaal (2. OG) (Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt)

      Hollbeinsaal (2. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater, Eichstätt

      Lead: K6; Others: K1, K3, K5, K6, K7, K8, everyone

    • 15:15 15:30
      Concluding session: Day 3 15m Festsaal (1. OG)

      Festsaal (1. OG)

      Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt

      Residenzplatz 17 85075 Eichstätt