Welcome to the agenda of the 2023 MQV Review Meeting in Eichstätt. Here you can find the latest timetable as well as general information about the event.
Leading into the review meeting, we will host a public evening lecture on Monday, 25 September 2023 at 7pm. Please find all the details here.
Session chair: R. Gross
Session chair: C. Kutter
Session chair: S. Filipp
Session chair: S. Filipp
Session chair: S. Filipp
Session chair: I. Bloch
Session chair: I. Bloch
Lead: K1; Others: K5, K6, K7, K8
Session chair: T. Wilk
Lead: K3; Others: K5, K6, K7, K8
Lead: MQV Office (N. Goerke-Schwindt, S. Mehlhase)
Lead: K1 / K6; Others: open
Lead: K5 (M. Ruefenacht, M. Schulz); Others: K1,K3,K6, other Ks welcome
Lead: K10 (C. Trummer); Others: all welcome
Lead: K6; Others: K1, other Ks welcome
Session chair: M. Knap
Session chair: M. Knap
Session chair: J.M. Lorenz
Session chair: F. Marquardt
Session chair: F. Marquardt
Session chair: F. Marquardt
Session chair: S. Glaser
Lead: K4; Others: K7, K8
Session chair: R. Wille
Lead: K5 (R. Wille); Others: K1, K3, K8 plus AQT
Session chair: S. Glaser
Lead: K6; Others: K1, K3, K5, K7, K8
Lead: K8 (J.Eisert); Others: all incl. HW rep
Lead: K7 (P. Debus); Others: K4, K5, K8, ...
Lead: K3 / K6 (J. Zeiher & R. Koch)
Lead: K5 (R. Wille, M. Schulz); Others: all compiler and system software developers from all Ks and partners
Session chair: J. v. Delft
Session chair: J. v. Delft
Session chair: M. Schulz
Session chair: M. Schulz
Session Chair: M. Hartmann
Lead: K7; Others: K1, K3, K4, K5, K6, K8 and LTP BenchQC
Session Chair: J. M. Lorenz
Lead: K8; Others: K1, K4, K5, K6, K7
Lead: K10 (Christopher Trummer), all welcome
Lead: K7 (J.M. Lorenz); Others: all Ks and LTP BenchQC
Lead: K4/K8 (F. Marquardt); Others: everybody interested in applying ML tools for improving QC-HW – theory, experiment, engineering
Lead: K6; Others: K1, K3, K5, K6, K7, K8, everyone