Jul 10 – 11, 2023
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Europe/Berlin timezone

“Applications of Quantum Computing”

Quantum computing is an emerging technology with disruptive potential in many industrial and academic sectors. But what can we realistically expect from quantum computing for the application, now and in the future? Which are the main shortcomings on the algorithmic, the hardware and the software side that need to be tackled to eventually see a practical quantum advantage? Which are the most promising application fields?

This symposium will bring together renown experts from industry and academic research to discuss these questions.

The symposium will consist of a series of talks and discussions by the following speakers:

  • Henrik Dreyer (Quantinuum)
  • Hans Ehm (Infineon)
  • Niels Halama (DKFZ)
  • Luigi Iapichino (LRZ)
  • Karl Jansen (DESY)
  • Johannes Klepsch (BMW)
  • Jasper Krauser (Airbus)
  • Jeanette Lorenz (Fraunhofer IKS / LMU Munich)
  • Sebastian Luber (Infineon)
  • Corey O'Meara (Eon)
  • Agnes Meyder (Roche)
  • Raffaele Santagati (Böhringer-Ingelheim)
  • Thomas Hußlein (OptWare)
  • Christa Zoufal (IBM)


Please register in advance using the adequate forms at:

Please note that this event requires manual approval. You will be notified when the registration process is complete.

Call for posters

Please apply for a poster during the poster session 10 July, by submitting an abstract now at:

Please note that poster submission require manual approval. You will be notified when your abstract is accepted and the process is complete.

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Lecture Hall
Lichtenbergstraße 2a, 85748 Garching bei München
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